Upcoming Holiday Parties: Lethal Rhythms

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Before we head into the new year, this is the time of the year where we all celebrate the holidays! We gather with loved ones to share these special moments and cherish the year spent!

Holiday Party: Lethal Rhythms

Lethal Rhythms Entertainment would like to thank the following for allowing us to be a part of these special celebrations this year!

W Hotel- Buckhead: Lethal Rhythms

Lethal Rhythm’s DJ Joel will be celebrating the holidays with the W Hotel- Buckhead this year for their annual holiday party on 12/16/2010 from 7:30- 12 PM!

Viewpoint: Lethal Rhythms

Loew's Hotel Atlanta: Lethal RhythmsLethal Rhythm’s DJ Mike will also be joining B2B Workforce at Loew’s Hotel and Viewpoint for their annual holiday parties this year on 12/16/2010 and 12/17/2010!


Thank you W Hotel- Buckhead, Loew’s Hotel, and Viewpoint for allowing Lethal Rhythm’s to be a part of your family this year for the holidays! We look forward to another amazing year with you! Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays: Lethal Rhythms

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