Britney Spears- Hold It Against Me

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Britney Spears-Hold It Against Me album- Lethal Rhythms

We have seen this pop artist go through so many trials and errors over the years, but she still continues to come out on top with the hottest songs for our era. Lethal Rhythms would like to congratulate Britney Spears on her new song Hold It Against Me!


Hold It Against Me has a retro-tone mixed with a modern edge. It ties in the latest beats and Lethal Rhythms recommends her hottest mix for any party scene!

Britney Spears 2011- Lethal Rhythms

Not only has Britney set a trend in music for several years, but she has also set a trend in fashion. This hot pop star is not afraid to try new things! From the beginning, with the Mickey Mouse Club, to her edgy style in music today, she is one artist we have truly seen grow-up in the entertainment industry.

Brittany Spears- Lethal Rhythms

Lethal Rhythms Entertainment would like to give Britney Spears a shout-out for her outrageous, but fabulous years! She continuously makes a strong contribution to music and we are excited to spin her latest hits! Remember to look out for her new album release at the nearest retail store near you.

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